As part of a team of 4 we created a small horror game in Unity for the Snappy Gurus Game Off game jam. The theme was Ignorance Is Bliss, and the aim was to use a sanity system where avoiding the horror elements keeps you sane enough to make it out alive. The project can be found HERE on
I helped lead project management by setting up both GitHub repository and Trello board for the project. I was also a main programmer and worked on these features:
- Creature AI, including pathfinding and player chasing.
- User interface:
- Pause menu
- Working options menu
- Main menu
- Pick-ups / collectables.
- Flashlight with flickering.
- Custom level transition code with multiple level loading that triggers when the player isn’t looking (including when flashlight flickers off).
- Sanity system
The project did not quite meet the scope due to time restraints and everyone’s availability and lots of the intended features did not make it in or were not fully realised but overall the project was a great learning experience and the entire team worked well together to achieve what we did.